متواجدون في خدمتكم أي وقت خلال الليل والنهار

Is your recording studio unsuitable in an unmanageable way? Are you used to working in an unworkable or unhealthy workspace for that matter? If so, today is the day to move! Learn five things you can do to change your home recording studio environment. What a mess! The chaos seems to be accumulating at an alarming speed. One day your workspace is clean and tidy, the next papers are scattered everywhere, there are wires everywhere, and there’s this mug you forgot to wash three days ago! No matter what you do, clutter can seriously disturb you out of your work groove. Here are some suggestions on how to cancel the noise of your voice through the recording studio

Loose leaf file Lost leaves are a distraction. If you’re like me, you may find that your I/O tray is overloaded with items that need to be recycled or archived. Simplify your life and green your workspace by getting rid of paper. Try to get used to reading scripts from a computer screen

Electrical wiring package, the recording studio has electrical wires everywhere. Not only are they ugly in appearance, they are also dangerous. Try to keep them neat and tidy by grouping them together, preferably off the ground to prevent accidents

Stocking Unused Equipment In an effort to please everyone sometimes we buy more equipment than is necessary on hand all the time. In many cases, these pieces of extra equipment become paperweights or get buried under other clutter. Store or sell equipment you don’t use

Purge your desktop both literally and virtually. Remove all the things cluttering your desk – the computer and everything. Clear your desktop, then bring back only what you use daily. Recycle, throw away or store the rest. Now, open your computer’s desktop and erase any icons you don’t use and split all your documents into just three folders, such as History, Work, and New. When you are online, try to keep the number of open windows you have to a minimum and avoid keeping time hackers like your email or solitaire open at all times. These are just some of the ways you can break up your studio. Another important way to maintain your focus is to locate your studio in a quiet location that you can close off from the rest of your home. In other words, get a door and shut it. The walls of the studio should also be free of windows and decorations.