كيف تحفز طفلك على العمل في التعليق الصوتي ؟
مع تكنولوجيا اليوم ، لم يعد الأطفال مقيدون بقيود الرسائل النصية. يمكن أن تكون مهنة التعليق الصوتي طريقة رائعة للأطفال للانخراط في عالم الترفيه وكسب لقمة العيش مع تقدمهم في السن. اقتصر الأطفال على أدوار الشخصيات الداعمة أو الممثلين في الخلفية. بينما اليوم ، صناعة...
كيفية مشاركة شاشتك على تطبيق FaceTime للجلسات الحية
إذا كانت لديك فكرة رائعة ، ولكن لم يكن هناك أي شخص آخر على متنها ، فقد يكون FaceTime هو كل ما تحتاجه. يتيح لك هذا التطبيق مشاركة شاشتك حتى تتمكن من إجراء محادثة حول ما يحدث أمام عينيك مباشرة. تريد تسجيل جلسة مباشرة مع شخص آخر أثناء مشاركة شاشتك معهم ، حتى تتمكن من...
Responsive Landing Page Design
By using responsive website design, Baines & Ernst increased the number of pages per visit by 11%, the average visit time by 30%, mobile conversions by 51%, while the bounce rate dropped by 8%. The landing page was created in response to poor sales of Microsoft’s...
Ai Voice Over Service
Within 2 business days, Voices art will create an artificial intelligence that perfectly mimics your voice, tone, style and personality so you can use it in all your projects. I'll also go over its pros and cons to help you decide which one you should use in your...
Attractive Landing Page Design
Landing page design examples can give you the inspiration you need to decorate or design your landing pages in the first place. We'll look at a few examples of landing page designs that will show you just how powerful they can be. Landing pages were born in response...
What is the best audio recording software?
When software is freely available, some may naturally equate the price (or lack thereof) with "low quality". However, there are a number of reliable software available for free, and many of them are easily available for download. What is the best audio recording...
Five tips for cleaning your studio
Is your recording studio unsuitable in an unmanageable way? Are you used to working in an unworkable or unhealthy workspace for that matter? If so, today is the day to move! Learn five things you can do to change your home recording studio environment. What a mess!...
Treat the sound yourself
Have you ever wanted to change the way your voice sounds without the help of recording software? How about some audio processing on your own? We've put together a number of tried, tested, and real techniques to do just that! Here are some ideas for how to sound like...
Why do you need samples of your voice for display
As an audio professional, how do you market yourself? Do you have samples of your voice to display? If you don't, what is stopping you from achieving it? If you do, is it one or more models to suit everyone and the work you want to do? In today's increasingly...
Why is practice the most important?
Why is practice the most important? Does practice make your work complete? Great artists struggled (and some still do!) to practice. In articles, a student mentioned world-renowned music artists and how they felt about their practice. Every one of them said they...
Why You Can’t Now Get a Job as a Voice Over
Why You Can't Now Get a Job as a Voice Over (and What You Can Do About It) Are you successful at commenting but you don't know it? Want to change things? Here are three reasons not to book a job and four tried-and-true tips on how to land your first job. Why can't I...